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Добавлено 27-05-2008, 16:02 в категорию Полезные программы

cFosSpeed 4.21 build 1402 Multilinguage

cFosSpeed 4.21 build 1402 Multilinguage

Новая версия cFosSpeed - это быстрейший на сегодняшний день немецкий сетевой драйвер для разгона широкополосного Интернета посредством технологии Traffic Shaping.

Оптимизирует DSL, кабельные и модемные линии, ISDN, мобильные и пиринговые (P2P) сети, работу онлайн-игр, VoIP и потоковое медиа. Работает практически с любым оборудованием и почти по всему миру. cFosSpeed позволит вам иметь сверхбыстрый интернет-серфинг и уменьшить время закачки и отклика. Особенно пользуется в почете у любителей онлайн-игр, пиринговый сетей и потребителей потокового аудио и видео.

Она самообучаемая и в зависимости от вашей работы в инете по прошествию нескольких дней работы оптимизирует ваше соединение и регулирует входящий/исходящий трафик. Также есть опция регулировки и запрещения трафика для програм установленных в системе,которые она обнаружит автоматически и выведет в специальную настроечную таблицу,зайдя в которую можно отрегулировать нужные параметры соединения и трафика..

Получить сравнительные данные до применения данной программы и после можно на сайте speedtest.net.

Поддерживает все ОС включая Vista

По сравнению с предыдущей версией программа очень изменилась в лучшую сторону.Как в плане функциональности,так и в плане наглядности интерфейса.Появилось прозрачное окошко в трее с нагляндым графиком исходящего и входящего траффика,оптимизированны настройки программы и многое другое.
Плюсом также является и то что теперь она полностью переведена на русский язык который автоматом устанавливается в вашей системе.

cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping.
Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping.
You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you
already have an existing Internet connection.

cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc.

cFosSpeed has two goals:
1. Keep network delays (ping times) small, in order to make Internet applications as responsive as possible.
2. Improve data throughput by avoiding network congestions.

You can use cFosSpeed with an Internet connection you use exclusively or which you share with several PCs.

cFosSpeed features list
* Broadband: Cabel and DSL
* Narrow band: Modem and ISDN
* Media:
o DSL, PPPoA (VCmux and LLC)
o Cable
o IP over AAL
o RFC1483/2684 bridged

* Router and dial-up connections
* LAN and WLAN
* Router and Bridge-Mode
* Multiple connections simultaneously
* Adjustable routes
* Several IP adresses per adapter

Traffic Shaping:
* Multi-User version
* TX and RX-Shaping
* L7 Protocol Analysis
* Prioritization of Programs
* RTP/VoIP Detection
* 5 priority queues
* Individual rules with filter language

* Low-Latency Mode
* Auto-MTU optimization

* Time and volumen budgets
* Usage Graph
* Overview of connections
* Skin-Windows
* Firewall
* Data and packet logging
* 32-Bit and 64-Bit version
* 12+ languages

Traffic Shaping for Filesharing (P2P)
Traffic Shaping technology does keep ping times low and transfer rates consistently high at the same time.

Filesharing (P2P) benefits from Traffic Shaping in two ways:
1. Traffic Shaping allows simultaneous upload(s) and download(s) at full speed. With no Traffic Shaping, upload(s) and download(s) choke each other to
a crawl.
2. Filesharing uses up a lot of bandwidth and may interfere with other applications running on the same connection by increasing request-response times
dramatically. As a result, just a simple click on a Web site may take several seconds to be processed while data are being transferred at the same

-The priority scheme integrated in cFos and cFosSpeed (re)organizes data packets in a manner that ensures maximum download rates for filesharing programs.
In addition, cFos and cFosSpeed prioritize filesharing data transfer down. Now, this should not be taken to mean such traffic is artificially slowed or
even altogether stalled. What it does mean, however, is that such data will be briefly delayed when more important data is being transmitted. Only this
priority scheme makes it possible to have filesharing programs run at maximum transfer rates while still using the same connection for other applications
at the same time.
-For instance, if you have a filesharing program running in the background when surfing the Net, there will only be a brief, minimal slowdown in P2P traffic
while a new page is being loaded. Likewise, when sending out longer e-mails, P2P upload rates may briefly drop somewhat while the mail is being transmitted.
Once the mail is sent, all uploads will continue at full speed again. The only alternatives would be to postpone transmission of the mail "forever" or
artificially limit transfer bandwidth for filesharing somehow. But this would also mean a loss of bandwidth even when no other application is using the
same connection. In short, cFos and cFosSpeed let you use the full bandwidth for P2P networks.

-Quite a few users have one PC set aside specifically for filesharing and route P2P traffic (e.g., via Internet Connection Sharing) through a main computer
directly hooked up to the Internet. In this case, the Layer-7 Protocol Detection integrated in cFos and cFosSpeed permits priroritization of the most
important P2P networks like BitTorrent, eDonkey 2000 (eMule, etc.), Kazaa, Gnutella(2), Kademlia, and Direct Connect.

Prioritizing Programs:
-cFos and cFosSpeed also permit prioritizing programs by their name. Many of the most important programs have already been included in our program setting
list. This way of prioritizing is especially useful when the Layer-7 detection cannot recognize and assign data properly (as would, for instance, be the
case with encrypted P2P traffic).

Optimizing Connection Settings:
-You can specify exactly what transfer medium you use under Connection Settings. Default is "Adaptive." But if you were for instance using a DSL connection,
you should select the appropriate DSL standard or protocol as your medium.

Система: x32 | x64
Язык: Multilinguage
Размер: 2.08мб

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Автор публикации: Eva_Smith.
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Все новости выпущенные 27-05-2008, 16:02

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