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Добавлено 23-05-2008, 11:54 в категорию Полезные программы

Portable Norton Scan and Clean

Portable Norton Scan and Clean

Norton Security Scan предоставляет функции сканирования и удаления вирусов, троянских коней и шпионского ПО. Norton Security Scan можно использовать в качестве средства надёжной защиты от недавно появившихся способов атаки, угрожающих безопасности системы.

Norton Security Scan and Clean provides free on-demand scanning and removal or repair of viruses, spyware, and other security risks. This tool is not intended to be a replacement for continuous, real-time protection from the latest security risks.

Norton Security Scan and Clean detects and resolves the following security risks:

Programs that infects another program, boot sector, partition sector, or document by inserting itself or attaching itself to that medium. Most viruses just replicate; many also do damage.

Trojan horses
Programs containing malicious code that is disguised as or hiding in something benign, such as a game or utility.

Hack tools
Tools that are used by a hacker to gain unauthorized access to your computer. One type of hack tool, a keystroke logger, tracks and records your individual keystrokes and can send this information back to the hacker.

Programs that can scan systems or monitor activity and relay the information to other computers or locations in cyberspace.

Programs that facilitate the delivery of advertising content through their own window, or by using another program's interface.

Programs that track system activity, gather system information, or track user habits, and relay this information to third-party organizations. The information that is gathered by such programs is neither personally identifiable nor confidential. Trackware programs are installed with the user's consent, and may also be packaged as part of other software that is installed by the user.

This is basically just like any Corporate AntiVirus Scanner except it doesn't require to be installed at all. Just runs off the Executable. This product requires no serials, *****s, registration, or even installation. It runs right from its current directory. This can be put on a cd, flash drive, or whatever media you want. It is used by many Corporate tech offices since you can scan a computer in seconds.

Размер (RAR): 20.7 Мб

DepositFiles.com Зеркало / Mirror
Easy-Share.com Зеркало / Mirror
LetitBit.Net Зеркало / Mirror
Vip-File.com Зеркало / Mirror

Автор публикации: skyver491.
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Все новости выпущенные 23-05-2008, 11:54

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