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Добавлено 12-02-2008, 13:05 в категорию Полезные программы



ConvertXtoDVD конвертер видео-файлов в файлы совместимые с DVD. Поддерживается большинство наиболее часто встречающихся в Интернете форматов, включая DivX, Xvid, Mov, Vob, MPEG, MPEG4, avi, wmv, dv, а также потоковое видео. Позволяет записывать полученные файлы на DVD-диски, что дает возможность смотреть DivX или AVI на обычном домашнем DVD плеере.

Key Features
- Supported video formats: Convert AVI, Mpeg, Mpeg4, DivX, Xvid, MOV, WMV, WMV HD, DV, MKV, DVD to DVD and more...
- Supported sources: existing files from digital camcorders, TV/Sat, capture cards
- Can merge up to 4 hours of material from several movies or episodes
- Supported audio formats: AC3, DTS, PCM, OGG, MP3, and more...
- Handles subtitles files (.SRT .SUB/IDX .SSA) with color and font selection, and supports tags (italic, bold)
- Video format choice: NTSC, PAL, or automatic and PULL-DOWN
- Picture output: Widescreen, Fullscreen, or automatic
- Create Automatic chapters or edit your own
- Fast preview mode to check if the source is loaded correctly
- Save the DVD structure on hard drive or burn it to a blank DVD
- Reliable burn engine integrated (supports all DVD formats)
- Fast and quality encoder (typically less than 1 hour for converting 1 movie)
- Variable options and settings for advanced users
- Control of the conversion speed vs quality
- DVD Menu control (auto-start, loop etc)
- DVD Menu edition (background, font, color)
- Customizable interface (themes, dockable windows)
- Multilingual support (available languages...)
- Optimized for Windows 2000 / XP / Vista

What's New:
solve issues with Burning SDK,
solve issues with subtitles embedded in Mkv,
solve issues with menu backgrounds
solve other minor issues
add more command line switches for best batch support
[Feature Request] final log sentence
[Feature Request] Disable burning by switch
[Suggestion] hide 16:9 display in menu text style editor
[Bug] Adding a jpg to title menu background, prompts that it also contains audio
[Bug] Background Menu / Custom Video Starting Times always starts at 00:00
[Suggestion] modify watermark in video
[Bug] v2.99.9.416: Access violation trying to convert a specific .MKV file
[Bug] can't burn because filename ( unicode pb ? )
[Bug] old link not updated for "_func/upgradeProduct/"

Download / Скачать: 15.8 Mб

Автор публикации: ufounet.
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Все новости выпущенные 12-02-2008, 13:05

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